Friday, February 2, 2007

4th injection

Hello everyone. I had my 4th injection yesterday and everything went good. My therapist has switched my treatment regiment again. So now instead of sitting in the center of a big mat and doing my different sitting balances, I now have to sit on the edge of the mat with my feet on the floor and that changes everything. I can now sit with my arms out in front of me fully extended and not fall over (most of the time anyhow), so I can definitely tell a huge diference in the strength of my trunk muscles. My body seems to be getting better at trying to regulate its temperature with the surroundings that I am in because I am having a lot fewer hot and cold flashes and the sweating seems to be getting better also. I hope and pray that everyone is doing well and I will talk to everyone soon.


oranetta said...

things are going great!prayers are working all thru this.just keep up the sweatin'

candice said...

I am so glad that you are able to tell a difference in your trunk muscles! It is only the beginning! Well mom is in Providence tonight, they are having some kind of function at the high school! So Kobe and I are hanging out at the house! Tomorrow we are going to your house and hang out with the kids! OH we found the article, it was great! I cant wait till the pictures come out! Well I guess we will be talkin to yall soon! Love Candice and Kobe!!